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更新时间:2024-01-15  |  阅读:925



Micro-Miniature Solenoid Valves

Micro-Miniature Solenoid Valves are miniature general service, isolation, and pinch valves for the reliable control of fluids and gases in medical equipment, analytical instrumentation, and industrial applications.

ervice, isolation, pinch valves
Micro-Miniature General Service Solenoid Valves

General Service Valves
These micro-miniature valves are ideal for applications where small size, long life, and low power consumption are a must. They are suitable for the control of non-corrosive liquids and gases and are available as in-line or manifold mount constructions.

ASCO Isolation Valves

Isolation Valves
Isolation valves incorporate a diaphragm that shields the fluid flowing through the valve from the internal solenoid components making them ideal for handling corrosive or high purity fluids. These valves are available with in-line porting or manifold constructions and in a wide variety of inert materials.

ASCO Miniature Pinch Valves

Pinch Valves
Pinch valves are designed to control the flow of fluid by locating soft tubing in a mechanism that “pinches” the tubing to block flow and releases to allow flow. Pinch valves are suitable for corrosive fluids, high purity applications, or fluids with particulate.

ASCO Miniature Valve Options and Accessories

Miniature Valve Options and Accessories
ASCO offers a variety of accessories tailored specifically for our Miniature General Service, Isolation, and Pinch valves.


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